Every speck of scientific research on the subject of human potential says that we all have much more potential power and ability than we are currently using.
Do you know your true potential?
Have you reached your full potential?
Most of us are unaware of the accomplishments we can achieve in our lives. We become tied down to the daily routine that seems to be working, (for the most part) and settle in for the long haul. We either choose not to or do not have time to look deeper in to our true potentials.
It is of paramount importance to unlock your ultimate potential...
Not realizing your true potential is probably one of the bigger regrets as people get older; realizing that you could’ve been more is one of the biggest emotional upheavals you can experience in your life.
That is why it is quintessential that you do not let opportunities fly away; for those fortunate enough to live in a society where there is free will to do and be pretty much anything you want, you must capitalize the opportunity to self-actualize, to be the best you can be.
To be the best you, here are things you can do to realize and unlock your ultimate potential:
1) Discover Your Full Potential
No matter what innate talents you were born with, what family you were born into, the money you have made or lost, or the times of difficulty or lucky breaks, nothing will get you to where you want to be better than understanding your full potential.
It’s the breaking factor in every successful story. The popular poor man get’s lucky story, or the how I changed the world with my bare hands tale comes from one important factor- the people who succeed are the people who learn how to tap into something innate inside them, and live and breathe their dreams.
Each one of us has potential lying innate inside of us. The brilliant part is each one of us has a potential that is uniquely ours. The potential to become a better person, to gain more respect, to be more successful, to find happiness, to achieve anything we want.
It’s a mad mix of our genetics, our environment, the way our body has been designed and the talents we were born with.
Of course, the first step is discovering just what that is.
It can be very frustrating to go on with life not knowing what you are supposed to achieve…
The world is a negative place and the forces are pulling us from every direction, learning to avoid the negativity is like learning to walk on a minefield.
For some this is an instinctive process, often helped by a watchful parent or teacher that spotted something in us from an early age and called it into being.
For others, it’s a struggle to identify. It has been proven that we absorb most of the negativity through our unconscious mind, not even realizing it is happening.
Being weighed down by your own or others negativity can destroy your chances of reaching your true potential so learn to control other peoples energies as you control your destiny.
Environment can also play a part. We often learn about what we are good at through trying new things. If you lived in an area where there weren’t a lot of options, or you didn’t have a lot of money to pay for classes or for travel, then you may have not experienced the things you are naturally good at.
The most direct way to live smarter is to evaluate your current alignment with all of the things up to now.
Take a moment and ask yourself…
What are my gifts and talents?
What am I good at?
Where can I use my strengths?
Where can I exercise my values?
Where can I make a difference?
What makes me comfortable in life?
What is it that you can do even when you are not being paid? If we all concentrated in what we love doing, we would be happier and more fulfilled.
Loving what you do gives you the strength to weather personal setbacks, face and address your weaknesses, overcome adversity and work the long hours typically needed to reach your full potential.
Once you identify your values, passions and strength, it is easier for you to grow as a person and reach for your full potential. There is a connection between reaching your potential and being aware of your passions. And more often than not your passions will flow from your values and strengths.
When you connect with your passions it allows you to act every day from your heart; it gives you the energy to propel you toward your goals, while overcoming setbacks and failure.
2) Unlock Your Mind Power
You may not realize it, but the mind is very powerful. It is unlimited in potential.
Once you begin to understand the power of the mind, and learn the laws of the universe, you can reprogram your subconscious so you can obtain anything you want in life and live life to the fullest.
Every person on this planet has the same capacity in their brain but not everyone uses it.
It is really the programming that we received from birth to the present that shapes who we are and what we do.
Your mind is the projector of your current physical reality that you experience through your 5 sense reality.
The subconscious mind is like your magic genie and it will accept anything that you feed to it and it will carry out your every wish.
So whatever you consistently think about whether it is real or imagined your subconscious mind will accept it is as the truth and it will work with us and for us to help us reach our goals.
Once we unlock the keys our mind holds, we have the opportunity to do the following:
Learn to override the fears of failure and not being good enough. To let go of social phobias and the hold of limiting beliefs.
Discover the talents and gifts we were given and how we can develop them.
Learn how to spot new opportunities to develop personal growth and learn new skills.
Set goals you had always thought were the goals of dreamers, and then meet those goals.
Develop a strong sense of purpose and direction. Learn the value of your life in this world and what a difference your new life can make.
Become someone who loves to face a challenge and then meet it, and overcome it. You’ll discover the fun in conquering the mountains of challenge in your own life and not taking the status quo as an acceptable standard anymore.
Learn the benefits of a balanced life where your physical, emotional, spiritual and financial health lives in harmony with each other and you feel fulfilled and satisfied with your life.
No longer be someone who's happy to be just comfortable. You’ll instead want to live in the zone of the outrageous, fulfilled and achieved.
By investing in time to unlock your own potential, you have the opportunity to discover all that you were created to be. Part of that process is identifying what your purpose is.
To do that you need to first look at what makes you feel passionate.
A life lived with passion is a life lived fully.
3) Find Your Passion
The most important ingredient in achieving your goals is passion.
Intelligence, connections and courage may all help, but nothing can trump passion. The truly successful person is almost always one who is extremely passionate about his or her endeavor.
"Nothing great in the world has been accomplished without passion" - Georg Hegel, German Philosopher
If you want to succeed in life, you first must find your passion, then harness it and use it to focus your dreams and vision.
The more you follow the path your passion leads you down, the more you achieve the goals you desire, and your life starts to fall into place.
One of the best parts of living a life of where you develop your own potential is its infectious. People want to be around someone with direction. It’s like a contagious drug. You finding your passion and purpose will affect everyone else in your life - without you even planning on it.
When you’re passionate about your work, whether building a company or investing in real estate, others see that passion and are drawn to it.
Good things come from that attraction.
Think of the five or ten people you spend most time with. What are these people doing? How passionate are they? Do they inspire you?
Find what it is that expressly drives you and there you have your chief purpose. For instance, though you may want a lot of money - ask yourself what is it for?
Is your chief goal to create a museum of your belongings? Is it to provide for your family?
Or is it to have the freedom to spend your life serving a cause you believe in? All of these indicate a vastly different purpose, even if all require a large sum of money.
If your purpose seems completely unrelated to making money don’t worry at all! Finding purpose isn’t just about finding wealth.
Not everyone is wired to make money as part of their purpose. Whatever your purpose, it may not be the same as anyone else in your family or among your friends. This is about what you want to do, what you want to achieve. Allow yourself to dream your own dreams and reach your own goals.
Are the dreams you have any better or worse than another’s? No. All each of us should do is live our live by the purpose we hold deep inside us. Imagine how different the world would be if that was what everyone did. What an exciting and fulfilling way to live.
4) Find Your Ultimate Purpose
As we are all different, we will all need different paths to help us find our passion and purpose. If you’ve struggled to find the direction you need to complete your destiny, if you’ve always felt you were made for something, but a little unsure what t was that try some of the following ideas to explore what your purpose may be.
Every one has a purpose, and there is potential in each of us. It’s just a matter to exploring and investigating a little to discover it.
What terrifies you?
It’s an interesting concept but what you don’t like, or what you fear may be the very thing pointing to your destiny. It’s like the concept of yin and yang- there are two sides to each coin.
The fear may originate from blocking off an early passion that you were unaware of.
Write a list of your fears and the negative feelings that come from them. Then look at that list and see if there is an opposite charge to the fear.
For example, if you are terrified of public speaking, but love to share your ideas, then you may be well suited to expressing yourself through the written word.
When are you scared of failing?
Those things that are important to us hold a great deal of weight to how we see ourselves and our success.
If you are scared at failing at something, you’ll often avoid it at all costs. But those things we are scared to fail at are often the very things we most want to do.
Explore the times you’ve said no to something, or avoided something because you’ve been scared of showing yourself to not be good at it.
Who energizes you?
Stay away from people who tear or wear your down..
Align yourself with people living a full life and their enthusiasm rubs off and affects your own passion.
Go for people you respect, and work underneath them- serving them. That is the very best way to learn. If you can’t find anyone like that around you, devour books about people you admire and learn by proxy.
(i) When Will You Get There?
Each journey starts with one small step in front of the other.
The end destination isn’t the only thing you need- you need to break it right down into manageable chunks.
You may start with a small passion in something really simple that you don’t think much of, and then it explodes and evolves into something else entirely. Enjoy that process, and trust it.
Write out a list of more baby steps you can take later today, tomorrow, the next day and each day for the rest of your life.
Notice how you feel as you take each step.
Notice how your life is changing for the better.
Find other people who want to join you on your journey. Yes, they’re out there.
Just like babies taking their first steps, sometimes we need some help and sometimes we fall down. Just like a baby does, get up and keep trying until you’ve mastered that step. We’ve all been there before and know how hard it can be. The most important step is to decide to take that first step.
If you are naturally visionary, having to wait it out sometimes can be incredibly frustrating.
Don't get upset if you deviate from your intended destination. Sometimes diversions lead to more exciting places and experiences. Sometimes plans change. Be flexible. Be open to new experiences...
By learning to temper your impatience and lay it aside helps you get there faster.
Have faith in yourself that everything you work on will eventually pay off. Faith and belief are the keys to trigger the universe signal so that it knows what you truly desire...
(ii) Who Are You Now?
Before you start to move forward you need to first make peace with the person you are today, right here and right now. The person you are today is the person you started to become five or ten years ago.
We are all a product of our own past and the place we are in today is of our own making. To move forward we need to accept the person we are, with all our foibles and limitations.
Love yourself now; accept yourself now and where you have been, and then move on. Our purpose can begin from any circumstances. No matter what has gone before, we have the choice to change our life now, today.
One person in themselves can be hugely effective. Dream big and don’t underestimate your ability to get there - many people have dreams up a purpose that on paper looked impossible, but was not only achieved but surpassed. Breathe life into those big visions.
(iii) What Will You Do?
Make a list of all the dreams and thoughts you’ve had – all the things you want to do in your life. Once it’s down on paper, make a plan of action to follow. Sometimes the first step is to consolidate, to regroup and spend some time learning or preparing. This is an excellent time to give your time to work under people who are working towards a similar purpose, to learn alongside them.
Don’t worry if the times get a little rough sometimes. See the difficult times are periods of growth, where you are learning the next important lessons to succeed. There is a well-known Chinese proverb that says “When things are going good the business grows, when things are going bad, you grow.” No experience is ever wasted as long as you grasp any circumstance as an opportunity to grow.
5) Commit To Your Ultimate Purpose
Once you have established what your purpose is, write it down. Keep it as simple and as clear as possible. A three pager probably indicates you are still trying to find your purpose.
Then break your purpose down. Say for instance you felt your purpose was to become a talk show host.
Consider the steps you need to achieve that.
What qualifications would you need?
Would you need to alter your appearance at all?
How would you go about lifting your profile so people know who you are and believe you can do what you do?
Write these mini goals down on a piece of paper.
Read these goals aloud every morning and night, to help you stay on track. This is your personal journey and you don’t need to share it with anyone else.
The ability to harness your mind and control your thought processes is one that successful people through the ages have used. It’s the common denominator of all successful people whether they are business owners or world class athletes. Research in the ability to drive past our own concept of limiting belief has shown that if we get the mind on track, the rest will follow.
Turn your life into the life you want by discovering the purpose you were born to live and then change the way you think of yourself living that life to get there. Remember the place you are now is the place you got to by the thoughts you’ve already had- even if it was not a conscious decision.
Start to take your future place in this world into both your conscious and subconscious mind, learning to turn around and more ahead to reach your purpose. It won’t take long to enjoy the fruits of your endeavors.